Together with our children we walked a - for us new - way. It goes from the volcano on a dirt road to a farm and after that on an old path up to the road Mandraki-Stavros. The path is partly destroyed and overgrown with trees. You will come out of it on the road approx. 300 m west of the monastery Stavros. At this walking we viewed the church Faneromeni too. You can reach it on a little path turning off the road. There is a sign at the road.
Unbefestigte Straße vom Vulkan zu
der Farm
Dirt road from volcano to the farm
Beginn des Pfades gleich hinter der Farm
Beginning of the path just behind the
Dieser große Fels versperrt den
This big rock obstructs the path
Blick zurück zum Vulkan
View backwards to the volcano
Ende des Pfades an der Straße
End of the path at the road
An dieser Stelle trifft der Pfad auf die
Straße Mandraki-Stavros
At this position the path meets with the
road Mandraki-Stavros
Kirche Faneromeni
Church Faneromeni